Introducing solids to babies, Nutrition for babies with allergies, Fussy Eaters, Complex Nutrition Cases

3 Week Feeding Kids Reset

Listen as Karina, explains her fussy eating program “The 3 week Feeding Kids Reset”!

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So who is the 3 week feeding kids reset for?

It particularly helps mums who:

Are experiencing really unhappy family mealtimes.

Are health- conscious and want their kids to be healthy.

Have tried to get their kids to eat healthier foods, but it's just a battlefield.

Are only feeding their child what they know they will eat, because they are so exhausted by mealtimes.

Are arguing with their partner about the best approach to feeding.

Are currently bribing their child to eat.

Are feeling like a failure because their child doesn't eat well.

Are needing inspiration about what foods to try with them.  

Are worried that their child isn't getting enough good quality protein and iron.

Are needing new healthy kids recipe ideas.

Are feeling judged by others about what their child eats.

Are lacking confidence and motivation in the feeding kids department and just need a "reboot".


🎉Want a freebie first? Check out Karina’s FREE Fussy Eater training 👇